Suck it Souhan.
Screw you Dennis Dodd.
Put away your wallet Phil Knight.
The Associated Press reports that Tubby is working on a contract extension, and NOT looking for a new job.
Forgive me if I find the AP slightly more credible than a blogger from CBS Sportsline, and a 'columnist' who takes pot shots at bald first year coaches of Sweet 16 teams, while being a bald-o himself (see his latest idiotic quip about Tubby here).
If you don't believe that, then go straight to the top for an answer. I know, I know, he's just delivering the company line here. Still he seems pretty damn sincere to me. I'm putting my trust in Tubby to not let us down. Of course, perhaps Phil Knight is loading up a second dump truck with money right now... sigh. Everyone, EVERYONE has a price.
Its time to make my April, Mr. Orlando Smith. Re-up for another 6 years, and get Cory Joseph to commit.
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