Honoring this former Golden Gopher is long overdue. You may know him best from his smooth dance moves shared with Al McGuire after the Gophers took down UCLA earning a berth to the Final Four in 1997. I knew him best for his cringe-inducing mid-range jumper and his ham-fisted rebounds. Still, I loved the guy. He was sort of our version of Brian Cardinal (everyones favorite actress from Purdue). Oakand, California's own Miles Tarver. The man, the myth, the moustache.
A member of the Clem Haskins era Gophers, one might almost think Miles didn't actually exist, since NCAA wiped the books on us. But here's his career numbers, thru to his suspension in the 1st round tourney game versus Dan Monson's Gonzaga Bulldogs. Say what you will about his game, but he improved every year, and was a solid Big Ten rebounder and defender.
Who can forget his role in the notorious Filipino National Exhibition game? Instigating a major brawl, and then pragmatically backing out to watch (so as not to muss his hair, presumably). As I recall, Quincy Lewis somehow got ejected after this fight was broken up, despite being pretty much the only Gopher not involved. And Kevin Clark was NOT ejected, despite his ramming speed take down of the entire pile of Gophers, Fillipinos, and refs. Really, just click the link and see for yourself. And pay special attention to the defense Tarver (#42) is playing in the opening footage. He's guarding the guy using balled up fists. I remember being at this game and noting to friends around me that I though he might be playing with brass knuckles. But I digress.
So where is the courage in all this? Would you walk around campus with hair and a moustache like that? Nope, you wouldn't. That takes courage my friends. Mr. Tarver, you have what the Greeks call 'thrassos' - GUTS.
I actually bumped into Miles on campus a few times, all at theatre productions on the West Bank. Never said anything to him, but I always gave him a respectful nod if eye contact was made. He was always accompanied by a lovely co-ed too, so his look must've been working for him.

At any rate, I always appreciated the effort Miles put forth on the court (always a solid glass eater), his bold & fresh look, and his ability to make fans of the other Big Ten teams say "who the hell IS that guy?'. Miles Tarver - we here at 'Give 'Em Hell Goldy' salute you.
Oh, and a quick Google browse for 'Miles Tarver Pics' will land you a much more recent photo of Miles from his Facebook account. I guess Facebook is good for something (2Mutch, can you friend him or something?). His look may have changed a bit, but he appears to be smooth as ever. Remember Miles, we kid because we love.
Oh, and if anybody can find a link to any on-line video footage of Tarver dancing with McGuire, please share.
Great Job Buddy! That was great!!!
Finally the man, the myth, the legend gets the recognition he deserves. I'll always remember a young Miles, circa 1997 at campus house parties, donning his leather Gopher Basketball jacket - just in case the rest of us forgot who he was. Sure, I might have pumped the tap for him a couple of times but the memories he gave me will last a lifetime. The one 'stache to rule them all.
My Miles Tarver memory. I think it was the 97-98 season. We had just barely qualified for the NIT tourney and had romped through Colorado State and UAB before facing border rival Marquette. I believe it was a tight game with a trip to Madison Square Garden on the line. At some point towards the end of the game, the student section decided we would charge the court if we won, which we did. During my romp around the hallowed raised floors of Williams Arena, I encountered one Miles Tarver, and gave him a hug for his efforts on the court. I then showered for three days straight.
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