Monday, March 1, 2010

Real Men of Reproach - Steve Alford

Here's a new feature at GEGH - 'Real Men of Reproach'.  We'll focus on someone in the sports arena, typically Big Ten related (even Gophers) who deserve criticism and attention drawn to their idiotic or scum-baggish behavior.  So, here's the inaugural post:

Say what you will about Golden Gopher AD Joel Maturi, but let’s all be glad he is sharp enough to have not hired a scumbag on par with Steve Alford. Brewster is by all accounts, a pretty honorable guy. And Tubby, well he’s always been above reproach. Okay, maybe that's not saying much.  Either way, let's tip our hat to the Hawkeyes. You are now enjoying your own ‘Monson Era’ with Lickliter, thanks to Mr. Alford.

Check out Alford’s latest d-bag level behavior, getting into a rather juvenile post-game argument with BYU player, Jon Tavernari, that is culminated with his calling Tavernari an 'asshole'. Nice to see the person who I would guess is the highest paid public employee in the State of New Mexico keepin' it real. The genesis of this moment comes from some chippy play in last minute of a very tight game, where Tavernari received an elbow. Granted, no player should be mouthing off to another coach before, during, or after a game, that's a rule we all learned playing team sports very early. But he’s 20-years old, for crying out loud. He doesn't have the judgement of an experienced Division I head coach, especially one who just won the game.  Of course, if I were a player who knew anything about Alford's history at Iowa, I might also be disinclined to be more respectful.


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The amusing moment

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